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Women Who Write's membership includes authors at every level of their writing journey, from those who write as a hobby to those who've spent years on the New York Times bestsellers list.


These days, many agents and publishers ask to see an author's online presence. This can be daunting since it often requires learning a new skill, along with new nomenclatures of marketing and website development. In other words, it can create a significant speed bump on the road to success.

To help smooth that path, we are introducing MEMBERS' PAGES as a new benefit of membership in Women Who Write. 


The content on any member's page belongs to the member, and Women Who Write is not responsible for any claims made by a member on their page.


Women Who Write reserves the right to prohibit or edit any content on that does not comply with our Anti-Discrimination Policy or Standing Rules, which are published on our ABOUT page.




We have created a template for our members to publicize their own content. This may include bios of their personal life, their education, inspirations for writing, their literary successes and links to their published works.


Published works may include links to newspaper articles, published books available directly through them or online resources such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. It may also include links to their blog, their primary website, their social media accounts...pretty much anything that will help them achieve the level of exposure they desire.


Women Who Write has arranged to have author, past Secretary, past editor of Writers' Notes, and long-time past member Maria Dewaik help assemble pages for members. There will be a fixed charge for having a page created and published, and that fee will be paid directly to Maria, who will act as an independent contractor, not an employee of Women Who Write.


Any member whose dues are paid in full and is a member in good standing may purchase a member page. That page will remain online for as long as that member's remains a member in good standing. If membership lapses, the page may be removed.

To help get things rolling, Maria and our Webmaster have created an online questionnaire that will list the primary elements your page should contain, and hopefully guide members to consider adding news and other elements that make their space most rewarding for them.

Before you begin to complete your questionnaire, you should consider gathering a headshot, images of book covers, logos or home screens for any blogs or other online resources, links to social media accounts, etc. Given the amount of information you need to provide, we have set the questionnaire to allow you to return to it for as many updates as you need.

Once you feel you're ready, you may pay your fee and Maria will begin assembling your page. Within 7-10 days, your page should be published and you're on your way!


Your page's address will look like this:
You may share this link in emails on social media, or anywhere you wish.

Women Who Write, Inc.

P.O. Box 652

Madison, NJ  07940

©2025 Women Who Write, Inc. 

Webmaster:  Andy Skurna

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