One of the most enjoyable and constructive benefits of membership in Women Who Write is participation in one of our many Writing Groups, also referred as "Critique Groups."
Members regularly meet in small groups to share their knowledge and experiences, and to offer gentle guidance and critiques of each others' writing samples to improve their skills and the overall quality of their works.
Anyone considering membership may ask to visit a group to see if they are a fit with the topics or skill levels of the other members of that group. Each group has between 4 and 10 members, and they meet at public libraries, coffee shops, and civic centers, etc.
When new members join WWW, our VP of Memberships can offer guidance in selecting a group or groups that may be the best fit.

Photo by Dr. Juanita Kirton
Women Who Write is a group that assists women in every phase of the writing process, by providing encouragement, assitance, and a sense of community to women writers who might otherwise be working in isolation. These goals should be kept in mind during the giving of critques within our individual critique groups, particular the goal of encouragement. We are committed to rendering critiques in a helpful, constructive way that will encourage writers to continue, rather than leave them feeling deflated.
We critque in a style known as the "Sandwich Method" where we wrap suggestions for improvements between recognition of successes.
For more, please read our Critiquing Guide by clicking on the cover. It will open in .pdf format.
Some groups are full, but many are open to additional members
If you don't see a group that fits your needs ask about forming a new group
Contact our Membership VP with questions/comments about our groups
All groups are meeting online.