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Winter Gathering: Jan. 22, 2023, RSVP by 1/15/23

When: Sunday, January 22, 2023, from 12:30 pm

Where: Madison Community House, 25 Cook Ave., Madison, NJ 07940

Who: WWW Members Only (Free Event)

RSVP by: January 15, 2023

Our annual Winter Gathering is back! Women Who Write survived the pandemic, and is thrilled that we have a large, thriving board of directors and a super team of volunteers ready to make the second half of this membership year all it can be.

Though we've survived, it hasn't come without costs. We are not as flush as we were before the pandemic. Although the board really wants to host this event, and we will this year, we are asking for those who can to make a small donation to offset the costs.

After you submit your RSVP below, your confirmation message will contain a link to our secure online store where you may make a donation using your choice of credit or debit card online or your Google Pay account. If you prefer, you may also mail a donation to our treasurer, Pat Weissner at 17 Longview Ave., Madison, NJ 07940.

To be clear, any member may join this Winter Gathering without making a donation. If you choose not to make a donation online, simply close your browser after you submit your RSVP and don't click the link in the confirmation message.

Happy Holidays,

Ginger Pate and

WWW's Board of Trustees

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